You know what? I realized something new this morning while running errands. I realized how thankful I am for everything. I was driving and looked in my rear view mirror and saw my son dozing in and out of sleep. See normally we would get the girls ready for school carry lil Bryan in a blanket to the car and on the way to school at some point he would wake up. Then Isabella, Bryan and myself would normally come home make breakfast and have a pretty relaxing day of playing, stories, naps and definitely snuggle time. We do this everyday until a day like today.Lil Bryan is surely not used to getting up before dark and running around town, he was exhausted. Then it hit me! If I were a regular mom out there driven by money, pedicures and nice things. I would be dropping my kids off so I could go work all day. I would miss out on soooo much of their life.
Some days I'll wake up and think oooh man now here comes the diapers crying the "I'm hungry" or "Bubby hurt me", and I don't think about how someone else could be enjoying my children instead of me. If you don't know me you might would think I always talk about what I have like I'm bragging, but the truth is I'm not. We don't have a lot really.I don't mean to get personal but a lot of people live better than us. There were a couple of times in my life (because of bad choices I made) all I had left were our (my girls and I) clothes.Believe me I know what its like to be at the bottom and that's why I'm sooo thankful for what I have. Because of bad choices I made in life I thought for a moment that the best life I could give my girls was one of just me as a parent. I trusted 2 other people in my life and they both let me down (real hard). So I figured if I just raised them alone we could be happier cause I could control what went on in the house. Then all of a sudden I meet Bryan and after many many hoops and rules he had to go through he proved out. He had many of the same ideas and thoughts of life I had. We always joke that we're free spirited. Our #1 goal is not money or wealth but that we spend every waking moment loving and enjoying our children, and we truly do it. I'm not about material things but I want to make sure I give my children memories they can treasure .Bro.Owen said it pretty good. He said" I've never met a person on their death bed saying man I wish I had paid that electric bill off." Not that we don' t pay our debts but selfish things like pedicures vacations without our children are not things we'll hope we did when we die.
Anyone who knows my mom knows how wonderful a person she is. This is probably where I get my ideas and thoughts from. She did her best. Its hard to explain to people but no matter what life situation she had to live in she shielded us from these things and made our home as happy and a safe place to live. We all 4 embraced this and no matter what other influences were in our life we took the good out of it and were always happy. Now that takes a special person to teach by example to her children, and that's why all of my siblings have so much respect for our mother.
Wow!! Can you believe all this came from lil Bryan falling a sleep in the car. I just had to share. Because of my moms prayers I'm now able to enjoy my children and life to its fullest, and it feels right~